Chiropractic Care and Headaches
One of the most common conditions we encounter as chiropractic physicians are headaches. There are many classifications of headaches, but some of the most common are tension and migraine headaches. Up to 80% of the adult population in the United States will suffer...
Heat vs. Ice – When and what to do
The age-old debate rage on Heat vs. Ice after an injury, You can ask twenty different medical providers and you may get twenty different answers to this same question. This article will help clarify any confusion surrounding this hotly debated topic (pun intended)....
The Working At Home SURVIVAL GUIDE
We are living through an unprecedented time in our recent history. Many people have transitioned from their office work to working at home. Many have gone from working at a nice desk with dual monitors to now scrambling to get through their normal workload with a...
Stress, Pain, and the Immune System
We live in a very interesting time in the world. There are events happening that we have never seen before. Change can often bring about stress—the good kind or even the bad. Stress is a necessary part of life. It helps us focus better and to be more productive....
Knee Pain: Is Your Knee Really the Problem?
February marks a time when the days are getting longer, the sun is staying out a little later and the weather is slowly starting to warm up (emphasis on slowly here in Utah). With the change in the seasons comes the time for more outdoor activities. One of the most...
The Day Shift Nurse
It’s 2:00 pm on a busy afternoon at the hospital. Jenny, a nurse, is starting to feel run down. She got to work at 5:00 am and doesn’t get off until 5:00 pm. Her shoulders get tired, her head gets heavy and then her worst fear is about to begin—a migraine. All of a...
3 Easy Tips to Avoid Injury While Shoveling Snow
Whether we like it or not the snow is inevitable during this time of the year. The temperatures keep dropping and the reality of winter is upon us. Even with the beauty that it brings there many inherent dangers that come with snowfall. One of the more common injuries...
The Tale of the Failed Back
Alan [fictional character] is a seemingly healthy individual. He is 45 years old working in his career as a civil engineer. He has a family with 3 young kids that keep him busy outside of work. Alan enjoys the outdoors and likes to spend his time with his family...
Chiropractic and Nutrition Leading to Total Wellness
Your Brand New Sports Car... Imagine getting a brand new sports car: beautiful red paint, shiny new tires that hug the road around every corner, the brand new leather smell, and the feeling of freedom on the road. Nothing can stop you now, right? Well, what if I tell...
Shoulder Trigger Points What is going on ? | Elite Chiropractic
A Look at Shoulder Trigger Points Trigger points, also known as knots, are a common source of pain and discomfort but are rarely taken seriously. Trigger points are a source of real pain and we are looking at how that type of pain impacts the shoulder, how we treat...
Chiropractic Brings Relief for Neck Pain
Neck pain is the fourth leading cause of disability in the United States and affects nearly 30% of Americans. Most neck pain resolves itself after time, but almost 50% of those who suffer from neck pain will have long term pain. Neck pain can be intermittent, a...
When Do You Need a Chiropractor?
Chiropractic is a form of alternative medicine that became popular at the end of the19th century. It involves the assessment, treatment, and diagnosis of various musculoskeletal, spinal, and other complaints. Chiropractic is a widely approved and utilized form of...